Project Glocal亞洲城市串流藝術家:杜托•哈多諾(Duto Hardono)

Duto HARDONO | 杜托•哈多諾 [Jakarta]

Duto Hardono (b. 1985 Jakarta) , now works and lives in Bandung, Indonisia. He graduated from the Fine Art & Design Faculty of Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 2010. He creates installations, drawings and collages that are full of humor and wit, often using found or readymade objects such as old cassette tapes, records, and instruments. There are also some references from art history such as John Cage’s concept of 4’33 in his sound installation using a home-made delay mechanical system and looping cassette tapes. During his Tokyo artist residency in 2011, he created a sound installation using various sounds that he recorded in Tokyo. He also performed at the opening of his residency exhibition using a vintage synthesizer which he found in Tokyo. In the opening of Hara Museum exhibition he performed with the various noises & sounds from the residency time and made it into several tape loops. His current work shown in Shanghai Biennale 2012 for a few weeks before finally got banned by the Chinese Government for political reasons. He recently did another artist residency in Cairo for Biennale Jogja XII which he created a specific interactive installation work that took inspiration of the recent political situation there. He also active performing live & releasing his experimental music on his own private press label, Hasana Private Press, beside several labels from US, Australia & Russia.

杜托•哈多諾1985年出生於印尼的雅加達,目前定居並工作於印尼萬隆(Bandung)。他2010年畢業於萬隆科技學院(Institute Teknologi Bandung; ITB)的美術與設計學系(Fine Art & Design Faculty)。他的創作型式包括充滿幽默與機制裝置、素描和拼貼,他尤其喜歡運用現成物與拾得物,如舊式卡匣磁帶、錄影帶以及樂器作為創作媒材,他的創作也受到藝術史上的某些觀念啟發,如運用自製延遲的機械系統和迴圈卡帶,呈現凱吉4'33"觀念創作的聲音裝置。2011年他在東京駐村期間,創作一個利用東京錄音的不同聲響聲音裝置,也在駐村成果展開幕表演上使用在東京找到的骨董合成器。他也曾在美術館展覽開幕表演駐村蒐集的各種噪音並製成卡帶。2012年曾經受邀至上海雙年展,作品數週後便因為政治因素撤下。最近更代表第12屆日惹雙年展在開羅駐村,並受到當地政治情境啟發而創作現地互動作品。曾參加許多區域性與國際性的展覽,除了在英國、澳洲和俄羅斯廠牌發行外,還活躍於現場表演並透過自己的廠牌哈薩納(Hasana Private Press)發行實驗音樂。聯展包括2011年雅加達Galeri Cipta II的《印尼的多媒體藝術(Multimedia Arts in Indonesia;Ruangrupa十年特展系列)》


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