Project Glocal亞洲城市串流策展人:達鴦•雅洛拉(Dayang Yraola)

Dayang YRAOLA | 達鴦•雅洛拉 [Manila]

Dayang YRAOLA (b.1976, Manila) is a curator, writer and cultural resources manager. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Philippine Studies majoring in Literature and Art Studies, and a Masters in Museum Studies from the University of the Philippines. She was an arts associate of the National Art Gallery Singapore through Singapore International Foundation in 2010 and a grantee of the Asian Cultural Council in 2012. Her most recent curatorial work is Jose Maceda Projects: Listen to my Music (U.P. Jorge Vargas Museum, 2013) and an on-going work titled Project Glocal BKK-HK-MNL-SG (2011-2015). She is over-all coordinator of Laon-Laon, an international network of music research centers in Asia, since 2008. She currently works as an Archivist/Collection Manager at the University of the Philippines Center for Ethnomusicology.

達鴦•雅洛拉(Dayang YRAOLA)1976年出生於馬尼拉,是一位獨立策展人、自由作家及文化資源經營者。她在菲律賓大學取得藝術學士學位,主修文學與藝術研究,以及博物館研究碩士學位。2010年獲得新加坡國際基金會的新加坡國家藝廊的藝術助理資格,同時也是亞洲文化理事會2012年的受贊助者。除了最新的策展《 Jose Maceda Projects: Listen to my Music》以外,也持續《Project Glocal BKK-HK-MNL-SG》2011年到2015年的亞洲城市串聯工作,從2008年起還擔任國際性的亞洲音樂研究中心網路 Laon-Laon的總統籌。她目前是菲律賓大學民族音樂學中心的檔案/收藏主任。

(亦可參見 CREW 分頁)