開箱—重裝:伊斯梅爾.哈辛紀念展 (Unpack-Repack: A Tribute to Ismail Hashim)

Author: 許芳慈 (HSU, Fang-Tzu)
Origin: 《藝術界LEAP》雜誌2014年十月號No.29
Time: 2014, OCT
Keywords: Malaysia, Photography, Ismail Hashim, Wong, Hoy-cheong, secondary orality

The subject of writing is a system of relations between strata: the Mystic Pad, the psyche, society, the world.) 
——德理達(Jacques Derrida,),「佛洛伊德和寫作場景」(Freud and the Scene of Writing;1966)
《開箱-重裝: 伊斯梅爾・哈辛紀念展》(Unpack-Repack: A Tribute to Ismail Hashim)所體現的繁重檔案匯整研究,像是回應著1989年馬來西亞前輩藝術家伊斯梅爾・札英(Ismail Zain, 1930-1991)在第一屆東協美學研討會上,藉著麥克魯漢(Marshal McLuhan)「次生口語」(secondary orality)說法,對馬來西亞藝術殖民現代性所提出的反思,札英指出所謂原生言說傳統的消失與馬來西亞現代美學的動態鏈接,或許如同德希達演繹佛洛伊德對於記憶和心靈空間之於精神分析的闡釋,需要對書寫作出新的理解(graphematic),而非執著於語音中心主義(phonologism)[1]。藉著《開箱—重裝》整個檔案實踐到展覽的聯動,馬來西亞美學實踐的議題可以是:之於圖像的敘事、之於創作的物件、之於記憶的歷史、之於檔案的策展、 之於日常的藝術、之於信仰的勞動,在這一連串的層遞關係中,觀者如何從伊斯梅爾・哈辛(Ismail Hashim, 1940-2013)的世界觀與關懷,體悟美學的進步意義。

Southeast Asia: Art History, Art Today

Author: Patrick D. Flores
Time: 2012, OCT
Keywords: Philippines, Southeast Asia art, modernity in Asia

Southeast Asia may further be regarded as a geopolitical field, the scene of colonial expansion by the Portuguese in Eastern Timor; the British in Malaya, Burma, and Northern Borneo; the Dutch in Indonesia; the Spanish and Americans in the Philippines; and the French in Indochina (Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos), with Siam as a buffer state. In an earlier time, the region was vaster, encompassing parts of China, India, and the Pacific. Southeast Asia may also be seen as a place where religions such as Christianity and Islam have undergone localization, exemplified by the only Catholic nation in Asia, the Philippines, and the world's most populous Islamic country, Indonesia. Links may be drawn from this colonial phenomenon to events ranging from the Cold War era that began in the late forties to the post-independence period, which spanned the rise of authoritarian states and the struggle for representation and justice, through the 1990s; the Vietnam War; the Asian financial crisis of 1997; and increasing terror and counter-terror operations after 9/11. The establishment of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 1967 clarified the status of Southeast Asia as a geopolitical, not merely geographical, category—a distinction that remains in place. Finally, Southeast Asia may be traced to a deeper Austronesian history. [......]