Transi(en)t Penang - Shih-tung Lo(羅仕東)'s installation for Open Studio (A tour by Rikey Cheng)

(Artist: Shih-tung Lo; Translation: Shih-tung Lo + Rikey Cheng)

Title: Even you're rich enough to buy your life (There’s nothing you can help to fix the poor, 2014)
Artist's statement:
Transi(en)t Penang invites contemporary artists from different Asian countries to get together in the same room. For the whole two weeks, they are asked to work with local community towards the aim of co-creation. In the beginning, I was curious about how could it be possible to bring together the opposite concepts and time frames in such a short duration for artists collaborating with community. Somehow I find the passers-by from every corners of Asia enjoy finding their lost piece of the puzzle that they belong to from the beautiful old-fashioned houses, and the diversity of lifestyles seemingly reflect on the business-management of varied restaurants from morning to late night. Even in the same restaurant, different combination of the foods and beverages are sold according to the time of a day. Of course, there are always more tourists than the local people. Suddenly I realize the settlement in this town is the conflux of the opposite ideas itself. So I’d like to open up the “transient state” of Georgetown through the on-site installation displayed with found objects in this Open Studio, therefore to go through the decaying memory hidden behind glories of history.

Title: 縱是有錢能買命,須知無藥可療貧 (2014)
Artist's Statement:
「(穿)景-亞洲城市串流:檳城」邀請亞洲的當代藝術創作者共同匯聚於此地,短暫進駐和社區(群)合作為其標向展開兩個星期的旅程。起先我好奇於這短暫的時間條件與社區(群)合作,兩個看似相反的概念與時態將要如何匯聚在一起 ; 但當我來到喬治城這個城市,美麗的舊式房舍讓每個來自亞洲的過客都似乎能拾起一片自身來處的失落,從白晝到夜晚多樣的生態甚至反應在餐廳的經營,即使是在同一間餐廳,不同的時間將販賣不同的餐飲。當然,還有來自世界各地的觀光客,幾乎要較當地人還要多。於是,我驚覺這個城市、聚落本身便是這兩個相反概念的匯流處。因此在這次的開放工作室中,我希望透過現地的物件裝置來展開關於喬治城的瞬態經驗,以及在歷史古蹟的光環背後的頹圮。