Project Glocal亞洲城市串流藝術家:李柏廷(LEE, Po-Ting)

李柏廷 | LEE, Po-Ting [Taipei]

LEE, Po-Ting (b. 1986, Taipei) collaborating with Mannet Villariba, has almost incurable Thalassemia and this is the main context for his creations. He majored in sculpture in the university. He began to make kinetic installation since then, as well as other audio works. After he had graduated from Taipei National University of the Arts, Graduate lnstitute of Arts and Technology, he has been working on combining the kinetic installations and sound art. He was chosen for the Artist-in-Residency program in V2. He even established the Fablab Dynamic and devoted himself in the Fablab community in Taipei.

李柏廷,畢業於台北藝術大學新媒體藝術研究所,2011年和同學們組成跨域科技藝術團隊XOR,開始跨域實驗之路,並獲得「2012新媒體藝術卓越獎」、「數位藝術表演獎」首獎(XOR)。2012年赴荷蘭V2_動態媒體藝術中心駐村時接觸FabLab,回台後與台北數位藝術中心合作,創立FabLab Dynamic,希望於台灣推廣數位製造,並於國際化架構下發展在地化,FabLab Dynamic致力於創造社會價值的專案,以及自由能源的研究與發展。